BluRay/DVD Reviews

ESCAPE PLAN (Summit Inc/Lionsgate)

By • Feb 10th, 2014 •

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So Arnold Stallone the Rocky Terminator stars in the new movie, ESCAPE PLAN, and it turned out better than expected. I was anticipating a silly action flick starring our two favorite, albeit elderly, action movie stars. Instead, I got a silly action flick starring our two favorite….well alright. But perhaps it was the fact that they knew what kind of movie they wanted it to be that made it as enjoyable of a watch as it was. It’s a cheesy, fun little breakout film and it knows it.

Let’s get the summary out of the way. Sylvester Stallone plays a man who’s career drives him to get locked into prisons, break out of them, and then report the flaws said prisons have. He’s very famous for this and has even written a book on his efforts. He’s suddenly contacted to enter a super secret high security prison, without the normal emergency evacuation codes he’s had in his other missions. Eager to prove his worth, he agrees, and becomes subject to the worst types of cruelty a man could find himself under. But he stays focused and, along with prison mate Arnold Schwarzenegger, attempts to bust out of this prison with the sadistic Warden trying to keep him in at all costs.

So here’s what worked. Stallone and Schwarzenegger worked. These two are just as much fun to watch as they ever were. Their dialogue is witty and their action scenes are action packed. These are two old men who still run just fine. I found the prison design to be both good and silly at the same time. The clear walls made it hard for me to figure out what was wall and what was air, and the masked guards were a touch out of place, but the rest of it seemed fine and believable. You really respect Sylvester Schwarzenegger and the intelligence they have. They scan this super prison from top to bottom, getting to know other prisoners as means to an end. It’s interesting to see these two super buff action men play wise, intelligent characters. Of course there’s plenty of super buff action scenes to be had, and that’s all good fun.

There are some interesting commentaries on this set, but in my opinion the highlight is called ‘Maximum Security: The Real-life Tomb,’ which is a half-hour program with experts comparing the super prison’s security to real prisons. They’re basically doing the equivalent of what Stallone’s character does, but without the “actually being locked in the prison” part.

All and all, this movie turned out better than expected. It’s always nice to see Stallone or Schwarzenegger on the big screen, and both of them are an even bigger treat. This was an enjoyable little breakout film starring two big action stars, what more could you possibly ask for? And afterwards, if you’re like me, you’ll want to have a Rocky Rambo Terminator Predator marathon.

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