BluRay/DVD Reviews


By • Feb 28th, 2011 •

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Ridley Scott, on his commentary track, rattles off his list of films prior to T&L, and admits this was a major departure from his exotic features. The only connection he could easily find was Sigourney Weaver – the strong, tall female lead in ALIEN.

I still think this is an atypical film from Scott, but he did a fine job of it. The

BluRay highlights the sharp, stunning design of the frames. The vistas are particularly painterly. I’d forgotten that Hans Zimmer provided the rich score. It’s a pleasure hearing his musical ideas in the context of his grand career since. Geena Davis talks about it on her and Susan’s Sarandon’s commentary track.

When I first saw T&L I appreciated it more than I liked it. The political message clobbered me one too many times, and I never entirely warmed up to the two leads. Seeing it now, I’m able to have more fun with the look – the art direction, color palette, etc – taking a bit of the crushing blows out of the sledge-hammered message.

The supplementals, near as I can tell, are identical to those on the DVD release. An up-dated track from at least one of the key players would have been fun, considering what became of Brad Pitt, Michael Madsen, Ridley Scott, etc.

At 1:31:00 Scott and DP Adrian Biddle light- night for night- the mesas and mountains as the girls drive through. They are the most startling shots in the film, rendered to great effect by the BluRay mastering. Ridley should remake ROCKETSHIP X-M with just this approach.

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