Film Reviews


By • May 25th, 2009 •

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I loved Fat Jesus. A comedy that’s funny and naughty. This is a franchise. Mike Tyson has a career in movies!

Director Todd Phillips delivers! I have lived in Las Vegas for over 10 years and it is a party town – but only for tourists. With Las Vegas gleefully known as “Sin City”, the residents are offended by the tag, so crackdowns and restrictions are bountiful. Try getting a Vicodin prescription from a doctor! No one sells pot on The Strip. Where is the “hooker’s track” in Las Vegas?

We do have the largest billboards for strip clubs in the United States.

Doug (Justin Bartha) is getting married in two days, so his friends Phil (Bradley Cooper) and Stu (Ed Helms) and his future brother-in-law Alan (future star Zach Galifianakis) decide to splurge on a bachelor party in Las Vegas. They take Alan’s father’s vintage car and off they go to a $4,000 suite at the Palms Casino Resort. I know the Palms well, going there several nights a week.

The last thing the three of them remember is a celebratory drink on the roof. When they wake up the next morning there’s a tiger in the bathroom, a baby, and $100,000 of damage. Oh yeah, and Doug is missing.

Phil has a hospital tag on his wrist and Stu is missing a tooth. Saying anything more would ruin this movie for you.

Cooper is terrific (and can deliver a line) and frankly, it is clear that director Phillips has a wonderful light touch. The character of Alan could have been Jack Black obnoxious but instead, it is a gently-tuned highlighted performance. Helms is ideally cast and Mike Tyson is hysterical. The screenplay by Jon Lucas & Scott Moore is perfect, with all the question marks effectively answered.

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