BluRay/DVD Reviews


By • Jul 18th, 2008 •

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I tried with this, I really did. Coppola’s first movie for ten years. But I’m sorry. It’s long-winded, self indulgent, pretentious twaddle. Beautifully shot and performed twaddle, but twaddle non-the-less. I had to watch it in three sittings – my mind just wandered. When you spot something on the ceiling that’s more interesting than the movie that’s not good. If I had to compare it with anything it would be Tarkovsky’s original SOLARIS, which again went on way beyond its subject matter, but was beautiful to watch. I’m not even going to tell you what it was all about, because I honestly don’t know, nor care. I’m not usually like this with movies. I always try to find some redeeming quality. Just trashing something is pointless, but this..? Okay, as I’ve said, the cinematography is glorious, but what’s it for? Who’s it for? And it goes on for two hours. None of the characters are likeable. Even Tim Roth reportedly didn’t know what Coppola was trying to achieve, but bumbles along in a confused state, which may come across to some as ‘meaningful’ (to me he just looks confused), hoping for the best, somewhat reminiscent of Ingrid Bergman in CASABLANCA who didn’t know which guy she was meant to be in love with. Neither did anyone else; they were making it up as they went along. Big difference: It worked in CASABLANCA, more by luck than judgment, agreed.

Maybe a good editor could whip it into some kind of shape but as it is it’s a total disappointment.

Hate mail can be addressed to me via the credits page.

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