

By • Sep 1st, 2006 •

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Hey, where’ve you been? We’ve missed you checking up on our latest reviews and columns…

Just kidding. It’s filmsinreview.com that’s been down, investigating new servers for our 2007 push to put up the massive FIR Archives. We’ve found a server we believe in, and it not only has more storage, but should never (never say never, Roy…) break down. To commemorate this watermark in our cyber-history, we’ve got a slew of new articles and reviews being posted, including one from our latest contributor, Bryan Layne of Tennessee.

Other items of interest:

  • 1. Those of you who follow my film work will be pleased to learn that the double-disc of STREET TRASH & THE MELTDOWN MEMOIRS hits the store shelves on September 25th, according to Synapse Films, and to promote the debut of the DVD release I’m being shuttled around the country to conventions and festivals. Look for me Sept 21st-24th at the Austin Fantasy Film Festival, in such good company as Darren Aronofsky and Greg Nicotero, and from Oct. 5th-7th at ‘Cinema Wasteland’ outside of Cleveland, along with fellow STREET TRASH alumni Bill Chepil, Mike Lackey and James Lorinz. Say you found out about it on the FIR website and you won’t have to pay the $20. for my autographed picture (let’s make it ten)…though I can’t vouch for my ST companions on that offer.
  • 2. Associate editor Max Pemberton is still floating in the surf off of some Greek isle, but we hope for his swift return to shore and more delicious Filmusic columns.
  • 3. I know our readers have enjoyed our give-away contests, judging by the emails and the amount of DVDs we’ve sent out, but I am restating an offer that’s far more serious and enticing than those others we’ve posted. I’m still looking for one of STREET TRASH’s lead actors, the only one I haven’t been able to locate in four years of working on THE MELTDOWN MEMOIRS. The offer still stands: $1000. for anyone who finds me Jane Arakawa, the actress who played Wendy in the 1987 black comedy about melting derelicts. Even though the documentary is officially finished, and debuts this month on DVD, I will go back into production, film her footage and re-cut the film if one of you manages to produce our lovely co-leading lady.

Jane Arakawa' in STREET TRASH

I remember Jane at the auditions. I liked her right away. When her turn came, she walked up to me and asked where she should put her gum. I told her to use it as a prop and just keep chewing. She got the role, and was professional and wonderful during a long, often-grueling shoot. Eventually I lost touch with her, and I’d be as grateful for the opportunity to see her again as I would be to include her in my film.

We’re waving at Glenn Ford, who failed to make it to the 90th Birthday party his son threw for him at the Egyptian Theater in LA a few months ago due to health problems.
If you’d like to raise a celluloid toast to Glenn Ford, I’d suggest GILDA or THE BIG HEAT (both Columbia/TriStar Home Entertainment), wonderful noirs that contain some of his best work. Or both of them.

And Joseph Stefano is gone as well. As if the screenplay for PSYCHO weren’t enough to rest his laurels on, there was the OUTER LIMITS TV series, chock full of great ideas and social issues (and available on DVD as well, from MGM Home Entertainment). Plenty of episodes to choose from for a Stefano toast.

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