BluRay/DVD Reviews


By • May 18th, 2004 •

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A four volume set presented in a fanciful lunchbox carrying case. Each disc contains over two hours of digitally mastered shorts from original 16mm prints.

VOLUME ONE: ‘SEX AND DRUGS’ – Includes ‘LSD: Insight or Insanity’, ‘It’s Wonderful Being a Girl’, ‘Narcotics: Pit of Despair’, ‘Marijuana (with Sonny Bono)’.

VOLUME TWO: ‘SOCIAL ENGINEERING 101’ – Includes ‘Lunchroom Manners’, ‘Soapy the Germ Fighter’, ‘The Outsider’, ‘Why Doesn’t Cathy Eat Breakfast?’ and ‘Shy Guy’.

VOLUME THREE: ‘DRIVER’S ED’ – Includes ‘The Last Run’, ‘Joyride’, ‘The Bottle and the Throttle’, Safety Belt For Susie’, ‘Tomorrow’s Drivers (narrated by Jimmy Stewart)’, and ‘The Talking Car.’

VOLUME FOUR: ‘ON THE JOB’ – Includes ‘Shake Hands With Danger’, ‘The Grapevine’, ‘Promotion by-Pass’, ‘The Trouble With Women’, ‘How to Keep a Job’, and ‘When You Grow Up.’

These are, of course, the unintentional camp classics used in classrooms for educational purposes in the 50s and 60s. They are great shorts to start off an evening of viewing with friends, and you’ll recognize well known actors in some of them. They’ve been packaged with great love, and come in a colorful lunchbox, making the set even more terrific as a Xmas gift.

DVD Producers: James Healey, Ian Hendrie, Derrick Scocchera.
DVD Curator: Skip Elsheimer.
Menu and Package Design by Derrick Scocchera.

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