BluRay/DVD Reviews

STREET TRASH (German Release)

By • Jul 27th, 2003 •

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Thought you’d like to know how my work was faring on DVD. As you know, I’m pleased as punch with Synapse’s release of Document of the Dead. That was a film that wouldn’t come out for a decade. Now it’s been through incarnation after incarnation, until finally someone got it right.

Street Trash is another one that’s gonna get dropped on an unsuspecting public one of these days. I wrote it back in ’85, sold it to Europe in ’86 while it was still being edited, and it saw the light of Midnight Shows in ’87, where it did only fair, but lives on in our perverse memories.

This is a German release, and features both English and German soundtracks. The casting of the German voices is a riot, some on the money, others, like the quirky doorman, utterly wrong, but maybe right for German audiences. Since I could not provide them with M&E tracks (I testified against my foreign distributor, who’d been ripping me and others off, and helped send him to jail – but I never got my elements back), they had to re-approximate the music under those sections that also had dialogue, and this they did with some form of synthesizer, and they did it rather well. In fact I listen to it with both amazement and guilt, a) that they pulled it off, and b) that I had to put them through the extra expense.

The image quality on this release is softer than that on the Japanese laserdisc, because the laserdisc came off 35mm elements, while the German DVD comes from a digital video master. Still it’s absolutely presentable…until I get a definitive packaging out there.

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