BluRay/DVD Reviews


By • Sep 26th, 2000 •

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Never has Peter Cushing’s ability to act with utter conviction been tested more severly than here, where he’s pitted against a human-sized death’s head moth!, which looks painfully akin to one of the boogey-men in Laurel & Hardy’s March of the Wooden Soldiers. I haven’t seen a shabbier monster than this anywhere – not the fuzzy-pajama-wearing aliens in the original Invaders From Mars, nor the paper-thin, water-logged artifices of Attack of the Giant Leeches (available as part of a ‘Drive-in’ double bill from Elite Entertainment), nor any of the poverty-inspired foolishness on the Kolchak the Night Stalker tv series. The blood-sucking beast of this idiotic opus takes the prize. Yes, a four-year-old child would be frightened by the bug-eyed costume, but why would you want to scare a four-year-old child?

Pity is, there are some nice dramatic tensions to be found, but only when the monster is nowhere to be found. Robert Fleming as a sinister entomologist takes his thespian duties as seriously as Cushing, and their scenes are grounded. But the editing, the cinematography, the appalling lapses of narrative logic… If it were called part of the ‘Eurotrash Collection’ instead of the ‘Euroshock Collection’, and one was thus warned about what they were buying, maybe…

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